Steps for selecting DC motor reducer

Source:Company News     Release time:2020-12-19     Clicks:     Popular:Reduction motor manufacturer

Among the existing standard series of DC motor reducers, when using them, you only need to select from the product catalog or relevant manuals based on the specific requirements such as the required transmission power, speed, transmission ratio, working conditions and overall layout of the machine. If you cannot choose a suitable product, you must design and manufacture it according to your needs.

The main steps for selecting a DC motor standard reducer are briefly described below.

1. Determine the working conditions of the reducer

According to actual needs, determine the working conditions of the reducer, such as determining the maximum power that the reducer needs to transmit, the input speed and output speed of the reducer, the relative position and distance between the output shaft and the input shaft of the reducer, and the operation of the reducer. Ambient temperature, whether there is impact and vibration during operation, whether there are forward and reverse rotation requirements, whether it is started frequently, and requirements on service life, etc.

2.Select the reducer type

When selecting the type of reducer, it needs to be based on the overall configuration requirements of the transmission device, such as the required transmission ratio, overall layout requirements, actual working environment and working conditions, and combined with the efficiency, outer dimensions or quality of different types of reducers. , use scope, manufacturing and operating costs and other indicators for comprehensive analysis and comparison, so as to select the most reasonable reducer type.

3. Determine the reducer specifications

On the basis of determining the type of reducer, it is necessary to further determine the specific specifications of the reducer based on input speed, transmission ratio, power, output torque and other parameters. For large reducers, thermal balance verification is also required. The main steps include power check of the reducer, thermal balance check of the reducer and strength check of the shaft extension of the reducer. Please refer to relevant technical information for the relevant check methods.

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