Commonly used reduction motor classifications

Source:Industry News     Release time:2022-06-21     Clicks:     Popular:Reduction motor manufacturer


Reduced motors are mainly used to reduce speed and increase torque to meet work needs. There are many types of reduction motors on the market, which can be classified according to transmission type and gear shape as well as the number of transmission stages. According to the transmission type, it can be divided into gear reduction motors, worm reduction motors, planetary gear reduction motors and gear and worm integrated reduction motors; according to the gear shape, it can be divided into cylindrical gear reduction motors, bevel gear reduction motors and bevel gear-cylindrical gear reduction motors; According to the number of transmission stages, it can be divided into single-stage reduction motor and multi-stage reduction motor.

Commonly used gears and worm reduction motors mainly include gear reduction motors, worm gear reduction motors, worm gear reduction motors, planetary gear reduction motors, cycloidal pinwheel reduction motors, and harmonic reduction motors. These six types of reduction motors have standard series products. When choosing, you only need to design and build the motor yourself if you can't find a suitable product.

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